Lotsa Newbies here.....I keep trippin' over yall when I'm readin' posts....why don't yall check in here and introduce yourselves? We'd all love to hear from yall, dontcha know.... That way we can extend some proper welcomes to yall....
Frannie B
lotsa newbies here.....i keep trippin' over yall when i'm readin' posts....why don't yall check in here and introduce yourselves?
we'd all love to hear from yall, dontcha know..... frannie b
Lotsa Newbies here.....I keep trippin' over yall when I'm readin' posts....why don't yall check in here and introduce yourselves? We'd all love to hear from yall, dontcha know.... That way we can extend some proper welcomes to yall....
Frannie B
first of all, please forgive my absence in light of preparations for the wedding and such...i will try to be more regular with my meeting attendance (not that kind silly...!).
anywho, my roomate (a.k.a.
the self-proclaimed oracle of the household) and i were having a discussion the other day about mars coming as close to earth this month as it has in almost 60,000 years.
Could be it'll affect peoples' attitudes is the greater possibility.....as possibilities go...
Frannie B
I believe for every drop of rain that falls......a flower grows.....
I believe that somewhere in the great sky there's......someone who knows.....
Frannie B (of the phat lady singin' class)
local brothers don't have two elder titles.what is the thinking behind this?elders have control of the cong.but if you are living in bethel,do you control other bethelites because you are also a bethel elder.a doubling of the elder title.what about the sister's,are they sister so and so in the cong.and sister so and so in bethel ?
hmmmmm....(counts on fingers...)....lessee now....there's man-hysterical serpents.....Kong-irrational serpents.......Prissy-sliding Overbearing Serpents.....Silly Overbearing Serpents......Circus Serpents.....Dis Strict Overbearing Serpents.......Beastial Serpents......er....the only thing they had two of that I knew of before I morphed on outta there was the fork in their tongues, yall....
Frannie B (of the gellin' class)
since before a witness gets baptized, they are told to "be no part of this world".
that is beaten into everyone's head.
now that you're not a jw or are on the way out, how does being part of the "world" feel?
OMG! I thought they said "Beano pardons the Whirled (Gnu-Whirled)".....It's a GAS!!!
Frannie B (of the "gellin' tha Gnu-Whirled" class)
some individuals truly enjoy being jehovah's witnesses.
i think about those that would have liked to be in acting.
well, having a part in a demonstration in the service meeting or giving a talk in the theocratic ministry school gives one the opportunity to act, be melodramatic, show a little comedic talent,etc.
Sorry, Minimus....now that I'm out, I can't imagine *how* anyone could possibly enjoy neon light which "bulbs" are toxic and ever-changing, faux/conditional friendships, the constant threat from a vengeful god hangin' over their heads and havin' to constantly keep up a facade of purity in order to maintain acceptance...along with always coming under scrutiny for one's words, thoughts and/or deeds by the judgMENTAL....unless, of course....they're into an S&M existence, that is....
Frannie B
"and the lord appeared unto him in the plains of mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; and he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, my lord, if now i have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, i pray thee, from thy servant: let a little water, i pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:" genesis 18:1-4. comment: the lord (hebrew yhwh) appeared in the form of a man with feet to abraham.. .
and upon the nobles of the children of israel he laid not his hand: also they saw god, and did eat and drink.
" exodus 24:9-11 .
Did yall notice that it *doesn't* say that a *woman* can't see God in His glory and yet live?
Frannie B
tonight i posted on hippikons thread about what type of sex are you having ?
and it got me thinking .....how important is sex to a relationship ?
what are your thoughts , is it possible to have a stable marriage without it?
NWS, Dr. Phil would prolly ask ya if you've attempted to discuss your feelings about this with your wife....and whether yall might consider counseling together to work the kinks out of your sexual relationship...
Frannie B
five kinds of sex .
1) the first is smurf sex.
this happens during the honeymoon, you both keep doing it until you're blue in the face.
LOL@Bendrr...."nun" is what I'm havin' too, cherie!
Frannie B
gday all,
yep, were almost 60!
doesnt feel "old" though, eh?
All of the above, Oz....all of the above...
Frannie B